Energy-draining Games

 Energy is a major source of our lives and existence that everyone feels, seeks and utilizes. However, it is not widely known that one does not need to fight for energy. It is a long learning process until we understand that the most intense means of energy-flow lies in very consciously built positive cooperation. This is a difficult learning process, because in western cultures learning to consciously handle energy, the principle of establishing a positive, constructive and complementary presence do not feature in the textbooks and methodology of conventional schools. Our energy consumption is thus mostly controlled by unconscious patterns and we realize only later how much rigidity, how many wrong patterns and unconscious energy-draining games are latent within our activities. Although everyone feels that there are people who take from them, while some associations charge them, very few people know, that behind these experiences there are set behavioral schemes and patterns hiding what can be identified and changed.

The fight for energy often evolves in a natural way within the family, becomes consolidated at school, and then we carry it on to our business activities. Most of the time it is not because of the conscious fears and unpleasant experiences that the practice of manipulative space energy procuring develops. However, it is not exclusively through fighting that energy can be gained, and this is partly because it is a source that every one of us owns, and partly because the energy we gain through conflict cannot be stored, so this practice just leads to more and more fighting.

Few people know that energy is basically not a value to be obtained from others, but a foundation that we all have in unlimited measure, we just have to handle it consciously. Probably everybody can sense whether an appointment, a conversation or a meeting is tiring or, on the contrary, recharging for them. However, there are only a few people who can make a connection between the positive or negative experience and the patterns and modes of behavior present in the relationship.

Energy basically flows or gets blocked by attention. Whoever demands too much attention for themselves but cannot pay attention, drains energy. Fighting for attention can become a typical fixture in the participants of energy consuming executive meetings, in owners of posts within the hierarchy, and in situations of asymmetrical relations between colleagues.

Hunger for energy is often a more intense urge than hunger for physical nutrition. Physical hunger is not always easy to satisfy – as illustrated by the typical symptoms (bulimia, anorexia) of our modern life – yet to satisfy the hunger for energy (which is often latent beneath the physical need and urge) is as difficult as anything could be. Partly because it is not evident that energy can be gained through other means and not just through fighting, and partly because the hunger for energy overrules all other sublime perceptions and thus may become the dominant motive. Often we experience that our personal relations transform into a game of power even if the roles were initially defined and the relationship was symmetrical. Many intimate relationships and occupational situations fail just because the players know and follow a certain typical (usually unconscious) pattern of gaining energy and do not want or are unable to change it.